- 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk Berbagai Tingkatan. Pertemuan kali ini aku hendak membagikan 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris berbentuk Text dengan tipe True or False Test. Soal- soal berikut ini terdiri dari 3 text, tiap- tiap Text dikelompokkan bersumber pada tingkatan Primary (Gampang), Junior (Medium) and Senior (Susah). Kamu dapat memilah tingkatan mana yang mau kamu kuasai, buat memandang kunci jawabannya kamu dapat mengklik" Box drop down" dibagian kanan soal, disitu kamu hendak menciptakan apakah statement- nya True (benar) ataupun False (salah).
My Activity On Sunday, Johny gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the kitchen. He has breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in Scotland.In the afternoon, at 1.00, Johny plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat dinner in a restaurant. At 6.00, Johny swims for one hour and then he goes by bike to his brother´s house. They talk and listen to music.Johny watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of Jack Daniel's whiskey. He goes to bed at 11.30.
Read the text first, choose the following statements True or False!
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